Today I reached the 8th month mark! That means its just around the corner now. They say the baby should be sleeping 90-95% of the day but she isn't instead she is wide awake kicking me, either that or she is baby sleep walking in her dreams. I still never got those strange food cravings, well other than wanting to eat something chalky. But I do crave oranges. I went shopping with my mom one Sunday at the flea market and bought a bunch of tangelos to take home. Well by the time it was about time to go I had to buy more I had eaten all but one or two. My second set barely made it home.
Thankfully this is the end because right now I can't do anything. Walking is a pain and I love to walk. If I set too long I get contractions, if I lay down too long my back hurts and if I stand, well lets just say everything hurts.
I listen to woman who say they loved being pregnant, saying what a joy it was. I smile but in the back of my head I'm thinking, "Whats wrong with you? This is a lot of work! I can't wait till its over." But I guess it really is easy for some people.
To anyone who has not had kids yet when you decide to please don't ask me what it was like unless you want me to talk you out of it...lol.... I promise to be one f those women who have only scary stories to tell. No I'm kidding I have a few good ones. I think my favorite will be how my husband completely spoiled me the whole time. If he had it his way he wouldn't let me do a single thing. Having someone make breakfast for you and tea is wonderful, and he always makes sure I know I'm loved. Without him this pregnancy would be so hard, but he is always there for me, reminding me that its almost over and how proud he is of me, and it makes me love him all the more. :)
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