Sunday, December 26, 2010
Can't Wait
Now I'm really starting to count down the weeks. Last week I woke up one night with contractions that were 5 min apart and then moved to 8 min apart. I thought I was going to have to go into labor and delivery again but thankfully they stopped and I was able to go back to sleep. I went to the doctor first thing that next morning. She said the baby was fine. I'm at 34 weeks once I reach 37 weeks she can come without being termed premature.
I can tell she is moving lower now because I can breath better and have more room when I eat. But wow is she heavy!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Eating all day
Thursday, December 9, 2010
8 Months !

Today I reached the 8th month mark! That means its just around the corner now. They say the baby should be sleeping 90-95% of the day but she isn't instead she is wide awake kicking me, either that or she is baby sleep walking in her dreams. I still never got those strange food cravings, well other than wanting to eat something chalky. But I do crave oranges. I went shopping with my mom one Sunday at the flea market and bought a bunch of tangelos to take home. Well by the time it was about time to go I had to buy more I had eaten all but one or two. My second set barely made it home.
Thankfully this is the end because right now I can't do anything. Walking is a pain and I love to walk. If I set too long I get contractions, if I lay down too long my back hurts and if I stand, well lets just say everything hurts.
I listen to woman who say they loved being pregnant, saying what a joy it was. I smile but in the back of my head I'm thinking, "Whats wrong with you? This is a lot of work! I can't wait till its over." But I guess it really is easy for some people.
To anyone who has not had kids yet when you decide to please don't ask me what it was like unless you want me to talk you out of I promise to be one f those women who have only scary stories to tell. No I'm kidding I have a few good ones. I think my favorite will be how my husband completely spoiled me the whole time. If he had it his way he wouldn't let me do a single thing. Having someone make breakfast for you and tea is wonderful, and he always makes sure I know I'm loved. Without him this pregnancy would be so hard, but he is always there for me, reminding me that its almost over and how proud he is of me, and it makes me love him all the more. :)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Ok I really feel fat now
This week she has made it hard for me to do anything and I have had contractions off and on for about two or three days now. I can't wait till she is born so I can sleep without being
Sunday, October 31, 2010
6 Months!
Baby Lydia kicks almost non stop and I feel everything!…..she wakes up about 7 am and starts my day of with her kicks, and the little thing kicks hard enough for my husband to feel her kick him if he is laying next to me. Then she takes a little break and starts up again after I eat. The worst time she picks to kick though is around 11pm. Right when I want to sleep she kicks like crazy, why I don’t know…lol…but I can set my watch almost by it.
The mood swings stopped at last and I’m back to feeling like my normal happy self. I can concentrate now when I want to set up and read a book a lot better than I could before. This is really the best that I have felt in a while except for the fact that I stay sleepy and have this craving for chalky things. They say it is called Pica and that a lot of women get it. Some people think it is a calcium or iron deficiency, so I started taking more calcium, but it hasn’t done anything except make me want more chalky things…lol….
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Baby Shower
-Love Pam
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Target Baby Gift Registry

For all the friends and family that have been asking where they can send baby gifts here is a link to the Target Baby Gift Registry Click Here. Thank you everyone for all the best wishes. Keep the baby in your prayers. So far she has had all good reports and is growing well.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Ultra Sound

Friday was suppose to be my big day to find out if we were having a girl or a boy. I was told to drink 32 oz. of water and hold it until the ultrasound tech told me I could let it go. Well I can hardly hold a cup of water without bolting to the nearest restroom. I decided to do my best though and drank all the water I could hold, walked into the office for my appointment, only to be told by the receptionist that the tech had to leave and I had to be rescheduled! Poor Richard he was so upset. This was the second time we had been looking forward to this moment. But there was nothing we could do about it. I joked to Richard that all I needed to do was get admitted to the emergency room and we could get an ultrasound, he laughed and we went on with our day still disappointed. The next morning we had a child birthing class to go to. It was from 9 am to 3 pm. It included a short tour of the hospital. We were told to fill out paper work to be pre-registered . When Richard and I went to drop ours off they asked my due date. I said Feb. 3 2011. The receptionist said they wouldn’t take it till a month before the baby was due. I asked her “What if the baby comes early?” She shrugged. I declare they tell you to do things ahead of time so they can rush you in and then tell you to wait….lol….
So I went home took a long nap, had family worship with Richard to close Sabbath and got ready to eat dinner. Then it started, this cramping and spotting. I called the doctor and was told to come into labor and delivery. I thought it was no big deal though. I went to the desk to register. The receptionist asked if I had been there before. “Only for the tour today,” I said laughing, “I liked it so much I decided to come back.” When I went in I found out that I was having contractions. I was there from about 8:30 pm till 12 something. Needless to say…lol…I’m pre-registered now with the hospital …lol…and yes I got my ultra sound too.
Then the best news came I found out that my little bundle of joy is a little girl!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Baby I love you but you kick to hard for mommy
I’ve been reading pregnancy books and magazines, each full of tips for how to have “a wonderful pregnancy” ….lol…I’m convinced though that you have two groups of women when it comes to writing these magazine articles. You have the group that have horror story after horror story to share with you and then you have the other group who just loved being pregnant. I don’t know if I’ll fit in either of these groups when these 9 months are over. I love knowing that there is a new life growing inside of me and I can’t wait to see them hold them and love them, but there are other days I call them “my baby monster” I knew you could feel a baby kick, but I had no idea that a baby could kick all day long! Or that they could kick hard enough to keep you awake at night. I recently discovered though that if my husband talks to the baby it will calm down and let me go to sleep, but not without one last kick as if to say, “Ok, ok I’m going to sleep, but I’d rather be playing.” I asked my Mom was it normal for them to move that much. She laughed and said, “Yes, they are playing.” I know they are learning to move and all but let’s face it there is not much to do inside there right now so what is my little one playing I’d like to know?
Food and Moods
Enough about the food though can someone tell me what you do for mood swings? They are awful when you are pregnant ….lol…. I’m so glad I married to someone who is so understanding. I tell him God is going to give him another star in his crown for putting up with me. One thing I have found that helps is a cup of hot chamomile tea with a squirt of lemon. I told Richard that it taste like sunshine in a cup. He must have remembered I said that because the next time I started feeling bad he had a cup of tea ready for me a moment latter. He really is the sweetest!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I'm 3 Months
-Love Pamela
Monday, July 19, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I'm at 10 Weeks almost 11
I’m waiting for that glow people say you get….lol…I don’t have it yet.
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Check out BOCA Foods Online
Today was the first day I was able to eat a I have been dying to eat one. I made a Boca Burger with fresh tomatoes and slightly grilled green peppers and onions. So yes I'm kind of happy about that. I found that the plainer the food is the better it works with my body, so I'm eating a lot of fruit and raw stuff. This has really helped my skin to clear up.
I'm happy about that :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Feeling Sick
This week is not even half over, but it has been so crazy and busy! I felt really sick this week. Richard (my husband) took me to the ER after coming home from work on Sunday and finding me in a ton of pain. This is my first pregnancy and its all so new to me I didn’t realize that the pain was a urinary tract infection. Wow you don’t want one of those! I never had one before at lest not like that it hurt! And that’s what was causing me to have so much pain. But it was good that I went in to ER because I found out that I am what is called a threatened miscarriage. This means that I am at risk for a miscarriage and have to be very carful. All this week if I wasn’t at the doctor or something to do with the baby I’m laying down resting and sleeping or watching TV. Its really not fun at all to have to sit still, but its for the baby so I’m going to keep still even if I die from watching too many episodes of Eureka !
Day 1

Day 1
11:04 am CDT June 5, 2010
I’m am so excited! I just found out this week that I am 5 weeks pregnant! I couldn’t be happier! I first started wondering if I was expecting because I started feeling sick in the morning. My mom and my brother’s girlfriend kept teasing and saying that I was. I decided to do an at home test this last Tuesday. My husband Richard, had not been feeling well and had stayed home from work that day he looked at the test and seeing two lines said, “Uhg…what does that mean?” I was smiles and giggles I couldn’t hardly talk I was so excited! He looked like he wanted to laugh and cry as I hugged him. I decided to go in and have the test redone just to be sure (1 in 4 women misread their test) Well the doctor said I was pregnant too. So this is my journal about my first baby. Keep me in your prayers and send me all the advice you want. I will be keeping you posted -Pamela Sahagun
I’m am so excited! I just found out this week that I am 5 weeks pregnant! I couldn’t be happier! I first started wondering if I was expecting because I started feeling sick in the morning. My mom and my brother’s girlfriend kept teasing and saying that I was. I decided to do an at home test this last Tuesday. My husband Richard, had not been feeling well and had stayed home from work that day he looked at the test and seeing two lines said, “Uhg…what does that mean?” I was smiles and giggles I couldn’t hardly talk I was so excited! He looked like he wanted to laugh and cry as I hugged him. I decided to go in and have the test redone just to be sure (1 in 4 women misread their test) Well the doctor said I was pregnant too. So this is my journal about my first baby. Keep me in your prayers and send me all the advice you want. I will be keeping you posted -Pamela Sahagun