Friday was suppose to be my big day to find out if we were having a girl or a boy. I was told to drink 32 oz. of water and hold it until the ultrasound tech told me I could let it go. Well I can hardly hold a cup of water without bolting to the nearest restroom. I decided to do my best though and drank all the water I could hold, walked into the office for my appointment, only to be told by the receptionist that the tech had to leave and I had to be rescheduled! Poor Richard he was so upset. This was the second time we had been looking forward to this moment. But there was nothing we could do about it. I joked to Richard that all I needed to do was get admitted to the emergency room and we could get an ultrasound, he laughed and we went on with our day still disappointed. The next morning we had a child birthing class to go to. It was from 9 am to 3 pm. It included a short tour of the hospital. We were told to fill out paper work to be pre-registered . When Richard and I went to drop ours off they asked my due date. I said Feb. 3 2011. The receptionist said they wouldn’t take it till a month before the baby was due. I asked her “What if the baby comes early?” She shrugged. I declare they tell you to do things ahead of time so they can rush you in and then tell you to wait….lol….
So I went home took a long nap, had family worship with Richard to close Sabbath and got ready to eat dinner. Then it started, this cramping and spotting. I called the doctor and was told to come into labor and delivery. I thought it was no big deal though. I went to the desk to register. The receptionist asked if I had been there before. “Only for the tour today,” I said laughing, “I liked it so much I decided to come back.” When I went in I found out that I was having contractions. I was there from about 8:30 pm till 12 something. Needless to say…lol…I’m pre-registered now with the hospital …lol…and yes I got my ultra sound too.
Then the best news came I found out that my little bundle of joy is a little girl!